Installation guide ================== Stytra was developed and tested using Python 3.7 installed as part of the `Anaconda Python `_ distribution. Other Python versions have not been tested. Make sure you have the latest version of Anaconda installed before proceeding with the installation. Installation with custom python environments, Miniconda, or in Anaconda virtual environments could be achieved but might give dependencies issues. The following instructions have been tested and work for an installation in the Anaconda root environment. Installing stytra ----------------- Stytra relies on `opencv `_ for some of its fish tracking functions. If you don't have it installed, open the Anaconda prompt and type:: conda install opencv If you are using Windows, git (used for tracking software versions) might not be installed. Git can also be easily installed with conda:: conda install git This should be everything you need to make ready before installing stytra. .. note:: PyQt5 is not listed as an explicit requirement because it should come with the Anaconda package. If you are not using Anaconda, make sure you have it installed and updated before installing Stytra! The simplest way to install Stytra is with pip:: pip install stytra You can verify the installation by running one of the examples in stytra examples folder. To run a simple looming stimulus experiment, you can type:: python -m stytra.examples.looming_exp If the GUI opens correctly and pressing the play button starts the stimulus: congratulations, installation was successful! If it crashes, check if you have all dependencies correctly installed. If it still does not work, open an issue on the `Stytra github page `_. Editable installation ..................... On the other hand, if you want to modify the internals of stytra or use the unreleased features, clone or download stytra from `github `_ and install it with:: pip install path_to_stytra/stytra If you want to be able to change the stytra code and use the changed version, install using the -e argument:: pip install -e path_to_stytra/stytra Now you can have a look at the stytra :ref:`Examples gallery`, or you can start :ref:`Configuring a computer for Stytra experiments`. In the second case, you might want to have a look at the camera APIs section below first. .. note:: Stytra might raise an error after quitting because of a bug in the current version of pyqtgraph (a package we are using for online plotting). If you are annoyed by the error messages when closing the program you can install the develop version of pyqtgraph from their `github repository `_. The problem will be resolved once the next pyqtgraph version is released. Installing camera APIs ---------------------- xiCam: Ximea ............ Download the `Ximea SDK software pacakge for your operating system `_, during the installation wizard make sure that you select the python API checkbox. After installation, copy the python wrapper API (in the folder where you installed XIMEA, ...\XIMEA\API\Python\v3\ximea) into the Python site-packages folder (for anaconda, usually the folder ...\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages) pymba: AVT ............ Go to the `Allied Vision software webpage `_ and download and install the Vimba SDK. Then install the python wrapper `pymba `_. You can install it from source:: pip install git+ or, if using 64bit windows, you can grab the installation file from `here `_. open the terminal in the folder where you downloaded it and install:: pip install pymba-0.1-py3-none-any.whl spinnaker: Point Grey / FLIR ............................ Go the the `FLIR support website `_, download the SDK and the Python API. 1. Install the SDK, by chosing the camera and OS, and then downloading e.g. Spinnaker Full SDK - Windows (64-bit) — 07/27/2018 - 517.392MB or the equivalent for your operating system 2. Install the python module pip install "path_to_extracted_zip/spinnaker_python-" (with the file with the appropriate OS and Python versions) National Instruments framegrabber with Mikrotron camera ....................................................... Install the NI vision SDK. For the Mikrotron MC1362 camera, you can use `this `_ camera file. The camera file usually needs to be put into C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ\Data After putting the camera file there, is should be selected for the image acquisition device in NI MAX.