.. _compconfig: Configuring a computer for Stytra experiments ============================================= By default, Stytra checks the user folder (on Windows usually C:/Users/user_name, ~ on Unix-based systems) for the stytra_setup_config.json file. You can put default settings for the current computer in it, specifying the e.g. saving format, camera type and ROI, full-screen stimulus display and anything else that is specified when instantiating :class:`Stytra ` . An example is provided below: `stytra_setup.config.json` .. code-block:: json { "display": {"full_screen": true}, "dir_save": "J:/_Shared/experiments", "dir_assets": "J:/_Shared/stytra_resources", "log_format": "hdf5", "camera": {"type": "ximea", "rotation":-1, "roi":[0, 0, 784, 784]}, "tracking": {"method":"fish"}, "embedded" : false }