Source code for stytra.triggering

This module contains Trigger objects that can be used to trigger the
beginning of a stytra protocol from an external event, such as a message
received via ZMQ from a microscope.

from multiprocessing import Process, Event, Queue
import datetime
import time

    import zmq
    import u3

[docs]class Trigger(Process): """ Stytra uses :class:`Trigger <stytra.triggering.Trigger.__init__()>` objects to control the beginning of a stimulation protocol via an external event. In the most obvious case, the signal is sent by an acquisition device such as a microscope to synchronize data acquisition and stimulation. The trigger has a check_trigger function that is constantly called in a while loop in the run(). When :meth:`Trigger <stytra.triggering.Trigger.check_trigger( )>` returns True, the start_event is set. The Experiment class, if it has a trigger assigned, will wait until the start_event to be set before starting. The control in check_trigger() is defined in subclasses to reflect the condition that we want to control the beginning of the protocol. **Events** start_event: event that is set when check_trigger() returns True. It is used by stytra to control the beginning of the protocol; kill_event: can be set to kill the Trigger process; **Output Queues** queue_trigger_params: can be used to send to the Experiment data about the triggering event or device. For example, if triggering happens from a microscope via a ZMQ message, setting of the microscope can be sent in that message to be saved together with experiment metadata. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.start_event = Event() self.t = self.kill_event = Event() self.queue_trigger_params = Queue()
[docs] def check_trigger(self): """ Check condition required for triggering to happen. Implemented in subclasses. Returns ------- bool True if triggering condition is satisfied (e.g., message received); False otherwise. """ return False
[docs] def run(self): """ In this process, we constantly invoke the check_trigger class to control if start_event has to be set. Once it has been set, we wait an arbitrary time (0.1 s now) and then we clear it to be set again. """ TIME_START_EVENT_ON = 0.1 while True: self.kill_event.wait(0.0001) if self.kill_event.is_set(): break if self.start_event.is_set(): # Keep the signal on for at least 0.1 s time.sleep(TIME_START_EVENT_ON) self.start_event.clear() if self.start_event.is_set(): print("we have a problem") if self.check_trigger(): print("received") self.start_event.set() self.t =
[docs]class ZmqTrigger(Trigger): """ This trigger uses the `ZMQ <>`_ library to receive a json file from an external source such as a microscope. The port on which the communication is happening is taken as input. The source of the trigger must be configured with the IP and the port of the computer running the stytra session. """ def __init__(self, port): """ Parameters ---------- port: string specifies the port on which communication will happen (e.g. '5555') """ self.port = port self.scope_config = {} super().__init__()
[docs] def check_trigger(self): """ Wait to receive the json file and reply with a simple "received" string. Add to the queue_trigger_params Queue the received dictionary, so that the experiment class can store it with the rest of the data. """ # self.scope_config = self.zmq_socket.recv_json() poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(self.zmq_socket, zmq.POLLIN) if poller.poll(5): # 10s timeout in milliseconds self.scope_config = self.zmq_socket.recv_json() self.queue_trigger_params.put(self.scope_config) self.zmq_socket.send_json("received") return True else: return False
[docs] def run(self): self.zmq_context = zmq.Context() self.zmq_socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.REP) self.zmq_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.zmq_socket.bind("tcp://*:{}".format(self.port)) self.zmq_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1) super().run()
[docs]class U3LabJackPulseTrigger(Trigger): """" This triiger uses the `labjack <>`_ u3 to recieve a TTL pulse from an external source. The DIO number is used as input. The pin is initialized as input automatically""" def __init__(self, chan): """" Parameters ---------- chan: int the DIO number used as input on the labjack """ super().__init__() self.chan = chan self.device = None
[docs] def check_trigger(self): """" Simply returns the state of the pin as a boolean """ return bool(self.device.getFeedback(u3.BitStateRead(self.chan))[0])
[docs] def run(self): self.device = u3.U3() self.device.getFeedback(u3.BitDirWrite(self.chan, 0)) super().run()
if __name__ == "__main__": port = "5555" trigger = ZmqTrigger(port) trigger.start()