Source code for stytra.tracking.online_bouts

from collections import namedtuple
from numba import jit

BoutState = namedtuple("BoutState", "state vel i_inbout i_below n_after")

def _process_input(
    vel, prev, threshold=1, n_without_crossing=5, pad_after=5, min_bout_len=1
    0 default
    1 in bout
    2 potential end of bout, could return to in bout
    3 bout has ended, padding

    Output states:
    0 nothing happened
    1 bout started
    2 bout ended

    state, prev_vel, i_inbout, i_below, n_after = prev
    if state == 0:
        if prev_vel < threshold < vel:
            state = 1
            i_inbout = 1
    elif state == 1:
        i_inbout = i_inbout + 1
        i_below = 0
        if prev_vel > threshold > vel:
            state = 2
    elif state == 2:
        if i_below >= n_without_crossing:
            if i_inbout >= min_bout_len:
                state = 3
                n_after = pad_after
                state = 0
            i_inbout += 1
            i_below += 1
    elif state == 3:
        n_after = n_after - 1
        if n_after == 0:
            state = 0
    return BoutState(state, vel, i_inbout, i_below, n_after)

[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def find_bouts_online( velocities, coords, initial_state, bout_coords, shift=0, threshold=1, n_without_crossing=5, pad_after=5, min_bout_len=1, pad_before=5, ): """ Online bout detection Parameters ---------- velocities coords initial_state bout_coords Returns ------- """ state = initial_state bout_finished = False for i in range(shift, len(velocities)): next_state = _process_input( velocities[i], state, threshold=threshold, n_without_crossing=n_without_crossing, pad_after=pad_after, min_bout_len=min_bout_len, ) if state.state != 1 and next_state.state == 1: for j in range(i - pad_before, i): bout_coords.append(coords[j, :]) if next_state.state > 0: bout_coords.append(coords[i, :]) if state.state == 2 and next_state.state == 0: bout_coords.clear() if state.state == 3 and next_state.state == 0: bout_finished = True state = next_state return bout_coords, bout_finished, state