Source code for stytra.tracking.eyes

    Authors: Andreas Kist, Luigi Petrucco

import numpy as np
from skimage.filters import threshold_local
import cv2
from lightparam import Parametrized, Param
from stytra.tracking.pipelines import ImageToDataNode, NodeOutput
from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class EyeTrackingMethod(ImageToDataNode): """General eyes tracking method.""" name = "eyes" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, name="eyes_tracking", **kwargs) headers = [] for i in range(2): headers.extend( [ "pos_x_e{}".format(i), "pos_y_e{}".format(i), "dim_x_e{}".format(i), "dim_y_e{}".format(i), "th_e{}".format(i), ] ) self._output_type = namedtuple("t", headers) self.monitored_headers = ["th_e0", "th_e1"] self.data_log_name = "eye_track" self.diagnostic_image_options = ["thresholded"] def _process( self, im, wnd_pos: Param((129, 20), gui=False), threshold: Param(56, limits=(1, 254)), wnd_dim: Param((14, 22), gui=False), **extraparams ): """ Parameters ---------- im : image (numpy array); win_pos : position of the window on the eyes (x, y); win_dim : dimension of the window on the eyes (w, h); threshold : threshold for ellipse fitting (int). Returns ------- """ message = "" PAD = 0 cropped = _pad( ( im[ wnd_pos[1] : wnd_pos[1] + wnd_dim[1], wnd_pos[0] : wnd_pos[0] + wnd_dim[0], ] < threshold ) .view(dtype=np.uint8) .copy(), padding=PAD, val=255, ) # try: e = _fit_ellipse(cropped) if self.set_diagnostic == "thresholded": self.diagnostic_image = (im < threshold).view(dtype=np.uint8) if e is False: e = (np.nan,) * 10 message = "E: eyes not detected!" else: e = ( e[0][0][::-1] + e[0][1][::-1] + (-e[0][2],) + e[1][0][::-1] + e[1][1][::-1] + (-e[1][2],) ) return NodeOutput([message], self._output_type(*e))
def _pad(im, padding=0, val=0): """Lazy function for padding image Parameters ---------- im : val : return: (Default value = 0) padding : (Default value = 0) Returns ------- """ padded = np.lib.pad( im, ((padding, padding), (padding, padding)), mode="constant", constant_values=((val, val), (val, val)), ) return padded def _local_thresholding(im, padding=2, block_size=17, offset=70): """Local thresholding Parameters ---------- im : The camera frame with the eyes padding : padding of the camera frame (Default value = 2) block_size : param offset: (Default value = 17) offset : (Default value = 70) Returns ------- type thresholded image """ padded = _pad(im, padding, im.min()) return padded > threshold_local(padded, block_size=block_size, offset=offset) def _fit_ellipse(thresholded_image): """Finds contours and fits an ellipse to thresholded image Parameters ---------- thresholded_image : Binary image containing two eyes Returns ------- type When eyes were found, the two ellipses, otherwise False """ cont_ret = cv2.findContours( thresholded_image.astype(np.uint8), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) # API change, in OpenCV 4 there are 2 values unlike OpenCV3 if len(cont_ret) == 3: _, contours, hierarchy = cont_ret else: contours, hierarchy = cont_ret if len(contours) >= 2: # Get the two largest ellipses (i.e. the eyes, not any dirt) contours = sorted(contours, key=lambda c: c.shape[0], reverse=True)[:2] # Sort them that first ellipse is always the left eye (in the image) contours = sorted(contours, key=np.max) # Fit the ellipses for the two eyes if len(contours[0]) > 4 and len(contours[1]) > 4: e = [cv2.fitEllipse(contours[i]) for i in range(2)] return e else: return False else: # Not at least two eyes + maybe dirt found... return False