Source code for stytra.stimulation.stimuli.generic_stimuli

import numpy as np
import datetime

[docs]class Stimulus: """ Abstract class for a Stimulus. In stytra, a Stimulus is something that makes things happen at some point of an experiment. The Stimulus class is just a building block: successions of Stimuli are assembled in a meaningful order by :class:`Protocol. <stytra.stimulation.Protocol>` objects. A Stimulus runs for a time defined by its duration. to do so, the ProtocolRunner compares at every time step the duration of the stimulus with the time elapsed from its beginning. Whenever the ProtocolRunner sets a new stimulus it calls its :meth:`Stimulus.start() <Stimulus.start()>` method. By defining this method in subclasses, we can trigger events at the beginning of the stimulus (e.g., activate a Pyboard, send a TTL pulse or similar). At every successive time, until the end of the Stimulus, its :meth:`Stimulus.update() <Stimulus.update()>` method is called. By defining this method in subclasses, we can trigger events throughout the length of the Stimulus time. Note ---- Be aware that code in the :meth:`Stimulus.start() <Stimulus.start()>` and :meth:`Stimulus.update() <Stimulus.update()>` functions is executed within the Stimulus&main GUI process, therefore: 1. Its temporal precision is limited to **? # TODO do some check here** 2. Slow functions would slow down the entire main process, especially if called at every time step. Stimuli have parameters that are important to be logged in the final metadata and parameters that are not relevant. The get_state() method used to generate the log saves all attributes not starting with _. Different stimuli categories are implemented subclassing this class, e.g.: - visual stimuli (children of PainterStimulus subclass); - ... Parameters ---------- duration : float duration of the stimulus (s) Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, duration=0.0): """ """ self.duration = duration self._started = None self._elapsed = 0.0 # time from the beginning of the stimulus = "undefined" self._experiment = None self.real_time_start = None self.real_time_stop = None
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns a dictionary with stimulus features for logging. Ignores the properties which are private (start with _) Parameters ---------- Returns ------- dict : dictionary with all the current parameters of the stimulus """ state_dict = dict() for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if not callable(value) and key[0] != "_": state_dict[key] = value return state_dict
[docs] def update(self): """Function called by the ProtocolRunner every timestep until the Stimulus is over. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.real_time_stop =
[docs] def start(self): """Function called by the ProtocolRunner when a new stimulus is set. """ self.real_time_start =
[docs] def stop(self): """Function called by the ProtocolRunner when a new stimulus is set. """ pass
[docs] def initialise_external(self, experiment): """ Make a reference to the Experiment class inside the Stimulus. This is required to access from inside the Stimulus class to the Calibrator, the Pyboard, the asset directories with movies or the motor estimators for virtual reality. Also, the necessary preprocessing operations are handled here, such as loading images or videos. Parameters ---------- experiment : the experiment object to which link the stimulus Returns ------- type None """ self._experiment = experiment
[docs]class DynamicStimulus(Stimulus): """Stimuli where parameters change during stimulation on a frame-by-frame base. It implements the recording changing parameters. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, *args, dynamic_parameters=None, **kwargs): """ :param dynamic_parameters: A list of all parameters that are to be recorded frame by frame; """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if dynamic_parameters is None: self.dynamic_parameters = [] else: self.dynamic_parameters = dynamic_parameters @property def dynamic_parameter_names(self): return [ + "_" + param for param in self.dynamic_parameters]
[docs] def get_dynamic_state(self): """ """ state_dict = { + "_" + param: getattr(self, param, 0) for param in self.dynamic_parameters } return state_dict
[docs]class InterpolatedStimulus(DynamicStimulus): """Stimulus that interpolates its internal parameters with a data frame Parameters ---------- df_param : DataFrame A Pandas DataFrame containing the values to be interpolated it has to contain a column named t for the defined time points, and additional columns for each parameter of the stimulus that is to be changed. A constant velocity of the parameter change can be specified, in that case the column name has to be prefixed with "vel_" Example: t | x ------- 0 | 1.0 4 | 7.8 """ def __init__(self, *args, df_param, **kwargs): """""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dynamic_parameters.append("current_phase") self.df_param = df_param self.duration = float(df_param.t.iat[-1]) self.phase_times = np.unique(df_param.t) self.current_phase = 0 self._past_t = 0 self._dt = 1 / 60.0
[docs] def update(self): """ """ # to use parameters defined as velocities, we need the time # difference before previous display self._dt = self._elapsed - self._past_t self._past_t = self._elapsed if ( self.current_phase < len(self.phase_times) - 1 and self._elapsed > self.phase_times[self.current_phase + 1] ): self.current_phase += 1 for col in self.df_param.columns: if col != "t": # for defined velocities, integrates the parameter if col.startswith("vel_"): setattr( self, col[4:], getattr(self, col[4:]) + self._dt * np.interp(self._elapsed, self.df_param.t, self.df_param[col]), ) # otherwise it is set by interpolating the column of the # dataframe # else: setattr( self, col, np.interp(self._elapsed, self.df_param.t, self.df_param[col]), )
[docs]class TriggerStimulus(DynamicStimulus): """ A class that uses the Experiment trigger to trigger a sequence of stimuli. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = "trigger" self.duration = 0
[docs] def start(self): # At the beginning we set this to infinity: self.duration = np.inf
[docs] def update(self): # If trigger is set, make it end: if self._experiment.trigger.start_event.is_set(): self.duration = self._elapsed