Source code for stytra.stimulation.stimuli.closed_loop

import numpy as np

    from random import choices
except ImportError:
    print("Cannot import choiches!")

from stytra.stimulation.stimuli import (

[docs]class Basic_CL_1D(BackgroundStimulus, InterpolatedStimulus, DynamicStimulus): """ Vigor-based closed loop stimulus. The parameters can change in time if the df_param is supplied which specifies their values in time. Parameters ---------- base_vel: the velocity of the background when the stimulus is not moving shunting: bool if true, when the fish stops swimming its infulence on the background motion stops, immediately independent of lag swimming_threshold: float the velocity at which the fish is considered to be performing a bout fixed_vel: float if not None, fixed velocity for the stimulus when fish swims """ def __init__( self, *args, base_vel=10, swimming_threshold=-2, max_fish_vel=40, **kwargs ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = "general_cl1D" self.dynamic_parameters.extend(["vel", "base_vel", "fish_swimming"]) self.base_vel = base_vel # base grating velocity self.vel = base_vel # final grating velocity self.swimming_threshold = swimming_threshold self.max_fish_vel = max_fish_vel self.fish_vel = 0 self.fish_swimming = False # For within-bout checks: self.bout_start = np.nan self.bout_stop = np.nan
[docs] def get_fish_vel(self): """ Function that update estimated fish velocty. Change to add lag or shunting. """ self.fish_vel = self._experiment.estimator.get_velocity()
[docs] def bout_started(self): """ Function called on bout start. """ pass
[docs] def bout_occurring(self): pass
[docs] def bout_ended(self): """ Function called on bout end. """ pass
[docs] def update(self): self.get_fish_vel() # If estimated velocity greater than threshold # the fish is performing a bout: if self.fish_vel < self.swimming_threshold: self.fish_swimming = True if np.isnan(self.bout_start): # If here, we are at the beginning of a bout self.bout_start = self._elapsed self.bout_stop = np.nan self.bout_started() self.bout_occurring() else: # if not bouting: if not np.isnan(self.bout_start): # If here, we are at the end of a bout self.bout_stop = self._elapsed self.bout_ended() self.bout_start = np.nan self.fish_swimming = False # Use method for calculating final velocity and update: self.calculate_final_vel() self.x += self._dt * self.vel super().update()
[docs] def calculate_final_vel(self): self.vel = self.base_vel - self.fish_vel * int(self.fish_swimming)
[docs]class CalibratingClosedLoop1D(Basic_CL_1D): """ Vigor-based closed loop stimulus. Velocity is assumend to be calculated with the The parameters can change in time if the df_param is supplied which specifies their values in time. Parameters ---------- base_vel: the velocity of the background when the stimulus is not moving swimming_threshold: float the velocity at which the fish is considered to be performing a bout """ def __init__(self, target_avg_fish_vel=-15, calibrate_after=5, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = "calibrating_cl1D" self.dynamic_parameters.extend(["est_gain", "median_calib"]) self.target_avg_fish_vel = ( target_avg_fish_vel ) # target velocity for the calibration self.bout_counter = 0 self.bout_peak_vel = 0 self.calibrate_after = calibrate_after self.bouts_vig_list = [] self.bout_vig = [] self.median_vel = np.nan self.final_vel = np.nan self.median_calib = np.nan self.est_gain = 0
[docs] def bout_started(self): self.est_gain = self._experiment.estimator.base_gain
[docs] def bout_occurring(self): self.bout_vig.append(self.fish_vel / self.est_gain)
[docs] def bout_ended(self): if self.bout_stop - self.bout_start > 0.2: self.bout_counter += 1 # Update list with peak velocities and reset current peak vel: self.bouts_vig_list.append(np.median(self.bout_vig)) # After some number of bouts, update estimator gain: if len(self.bouts_vig_list) > self.calibrate_after: self.median_vig = np.median(self.bouts_vig_list) self.median_calib = self.median_vig * self.est_gain self.est_gain = self.target_avg_fish_vel / self.median_vig self._experiment.estimator.base_gain = self.est_gain self.bout_vel = []
[docs] def stop(self): if len(self.bouts_vig_list) > self.calibrate_after: "Calibrated! Median speed achieved: {} with {} bouts".format( self.median_calib, len(self.bouts_vig_list) ) )
[docs]class GainChangerStimulus(Stimulus): """ Vigor-based closed loop stimulus. Velocity is assumend to be calculated with the The parameters can change in time if the df_param is supplied which specifies their values in time. Parameters ---------- base_vel: the velocity of the background when the stimulus is not moving swimming_threshold: float the velocity at which the fish is considered to be performing a bout """ def __init__(self, newgain=1): self.duration = 0.001 super().__init__() = "fix_gain_calibration_cl1D" self.newgain = newgain
[docs] def start(self): self._experiment.estimator.base_gain = self.newgain
[docs]class GainLagClosedLoop1D(Basic_CL_1D): def __init__( self, gain=1, lag=0, shunted=False, fixed_vel=np.nan, gain_drop_start=np.nan, gain_drop_end=np.nan, **kwargs ): super().__init__(**kwargs) = "gain_lag_cl1D" self.dynamic_parameters.extend( ["gain", "lag", "gain_drop_start", "gain_drop_end", "shunted"] ) self.lag = lag self.gain = gain self.shunted = shunted self.fixed_vel = fixed_vel # fixed forward velocity self.gain_drop_start = gain_drop_start self.gain_drop_end = gain_drop_end
[docs] def get_fish_vel(self): """ Function that update estimated fish velocty. Change to add lag or shunting. """ super(GainLagClosedLoop1D, self).get_fish_vel() self.lag_vel = self._experiment.estimator.get_velocity(self.lag)
[docs] def calculate_final_vel(self): subtract_to_base = self.gain * self.lag_vel if not np.isnan(self.gain_drop_start) and not np.isnan(self.bout_start): t = self._elapsed - self.bout_start if self.gain_drop_start <= t < self.gain_drop_end: subtract_to_base = 0 # Apply fish is swimming threshold, depending if shunted or not. if self.lag == 0 or self.shunted: subtract_to_base *= int(self.fish_swimming) else: subtract_to_base *= int(self.lag_vel < self.swimming_threshold) self.vel = self.base_vel - subtract_to_base
[docs]class AcuteClosedLoop1D(GainLagClosedLoop1D): def __init__(self, conditions_list=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) = "acute_cl1D" self.base_conditions = self.get_state() self.conditions_list = conditions_list self.acute_cond_weights = [ c.get("w", 1 / len(conditions_list)) for c in conditions_list ] self.current_condition = None
[docs] def bout_started(self): """ Function called on bout start. """ # reset to baseline values: if self.current_condition is not None: for k in self.current_condition["change_to"].keys(): self.__setattr__(k, self.base_conditions[k]) # chose one condition: self.current_condition = choices(self.conditions_list, self.acute_cond_weights)[ 0 ] for k, v in self.current_condition["change_to"].items(): # print("setting: {} gain and {} lag".format(self.gain, self.lag)) self.__setattr__(k, v) # print("set: {} gain and {} lag".format(self.gain, self.lag)) # refresh lag if it was changed: self.lag_vel = self._experiment.estimator.get_velocity(self.lag)
[docs]class PerpendicularMotion(BackgroundStimulus, InterpolatedStimulus): """ A stimulus which is always kept perpendicular to the fish """
[docs] def update(self): y, x, theta = self._experiment.estimator.get_position() if np.isfinite(theta): self.theta = theta super().update()
[docs]class FishTrackingStimulus(PositionStimulus): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dynamic_parameters.append("is_tracking") self.is_tracking = True
[docs] def update(self): if self.is_tracking: y, x, theta = self._experiment.estimator.get_position() if np.isfinite(theta): self.x = x self.y = y self.theta = theta super().update()