Source code for stytra.stimulation.stimuli.backgrounds

import numpy as np
import random
from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos
from itertools import product
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import as dio
import cv2
import logging

[docs]def noise_background(size, kernel_std_x=1, kernel_std_y=None): """ Parameters ---------- size : kernel_std_x : (Default value = 1) kernel_std_y : (Default value = None) Returns ------- """ if kernel_std_y is None: kernel_std_y = kernel_std_x width_kernel_x = size[0] width_kernel_y = size[1] kernel_gaussian_x = np.exp( -(np.arange(width_kernel_x) - width_kernel_x / 2) ** 2 / kernel_std_x ** 2 ) kernel_gaussian_y = np.exp( -(np.arange(width_kernel_y) - width_kernel_y / 2) ** 2 / kernel_std_y ** 2 ) kernel_2D = kernel_gaussian_x[None, :] * kernel_gaussian_y[:, None] img = np.random.randn(*size) img = np.real(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.fft2(img) * np.fft.fft2(kernel_2D))) min_im = np.min(img) max_im = np.max(img) return (((img - min_im) / (max_im - min_im)) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
[docs]def existing_file_background(filepath): """ Returns a numpy array from an image stored at filepath """ if filepath.endswith(".h5"): return dio.load(filepath) else: # If using OpenCV, we have to get RGB, not BGR try: return cv2.imread(filepath)[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] except TypeError: log = logging.getLogger()"Could nor load " + filepath) return np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.uint8)
[docs]def poisson_disk_background(size, distance, radius): """A background with randomly spaced dots using the poisson disk algorithm Parameters ---------- size : image size distance : approximate distance between the dots radius : radius of the dots Returns ------- type the generated background """ imh = size[0] imw = size[1] # first make the points g = Grid(distance, *size) rand = (random.uniform(0, imh), random.uniform(0, imw)) data = g.poisson(rand) # then put them on a 2x size image, so that a seamless background can # be created: im ="L", (imh * 2, imw * 2)) dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im) points0 = np.array(data) points = np.array([]) for i in range(2): for j in range(2): if len(points) == 0: points = points0 + np.array([imh * i, imw * j]) else: points = np.concatenate( [points, points0 + np.array([imh * i, imw * j])] ) for point in points: dr.ellipse([tuple(point - radius), tuple(point + radius)], fill=255) return np.array(im)[imh // 2 : 3 * imh // 2, imw // 2 : 3 * imw // 2]
[docs]def gratings( mm_px=1, spatial_period=10, orientation="horizontal", shape="square", ratio=0.5 ): """Function for generating grids (assume usage of cv2.BORDER_WRAP for display) Parameters ---------- mm_px : millimiters per pixel (Default value = 1) spatial_period : spatial period (cycles/mm) (Default value = 10) orientation : horizontal' or 'vertical' (Default value = 'horizontal') shape : square', 'sinusoidal' (Default value = 'square') ratio : ratio of white over dark (Default value = 0.5) Returns ------- """ grating_dim = round(spatial_period / (mm_px)) # calculate dimensions # With cv2.BORDER_WRAP 1 line will be enough: template_array = np.zeros((grating_dim, 1), dtype=np.uint8) # Set pixels values according to the selected shape: if shape == "square": # square wave template_array[: round(ratio * grating_dim), :] = 255 elif shape == "sinusoidal": # sinusoidal wave v = (np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, grating_dim)) + 1) * 255 / 2 template_array[:, 0] = v.astype("uint8") # Transpose for having vertical gratings: if orientation == "vertical": template_array = template_array.T return template_array
[docs]class Grid: """class for filling a rectangular prism of dimension >= 2 with poisson disc samples spaced at least r apart and k attempts per active sample override Grid.distance to change distance metric used and get different forms of 'discs' Adapted from code by Herman Tulleken ( Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, r, *size): self.r = r self.size = size self.dim = len(size) self.cell_size = r / (sqrt(self.dim)) self.widths = [int(size[k] / self.cell_size) + 1 for k in range(self.dim)] nums = product(*(range(self.widths[k]) for k in range(self.dim))) self.cells = {num: -1 for num in nums} self.samples = [] = []
[docs] def clear(self): """resets the grid active points and sample points Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.samples = [] = [] for item in self.cells: self.cells[item] = -1
[docs] def generate(self, point): """generates new points in an annulus between self.r, 2*self.r Parameters ---------- point : Returns ------- """ rad = random.triangular(self.r, 2 * self.r, 0.3 * (2 * self.r - self.r)) # was random.uniform(self.r, 2*self.r) but I think # this may be closer to the correct distribution # but easier to build angs = [random.uniform(0, 2 * pi)] if self.dim > 2: angs.extend(random.uniform(-pi / 2, pi / 2) for _ in range(self.dim - 2)) angs[0] = 2 * angs[0] return self.convert(point, rad, angs)
[docs] def poisson(self, seed, k=30): """generates a set of poisson disc samples Parameters ---------- seed : k : (Default value = 30) Returns ------- """ self.clear() self.samples.append(seed) self.update(seed, 0) while idx = random.choice( point = self.samples[idx] new_point = self.make_points(k, point) if new_point: self.samples.append(tuple(new_point)) - 1) self.update(new_point, len(self.samples) - 1) else: return self.samples
[docs] def make_points(self, k, point): """uses generate to make up to k new points, stopping when it finds a good sample using self.check Parameters ---------- k : point : Returns ------- """ n = k while n: new_point = self.generate(point) if self.check(point, new_point): return new_point n -= 1 return False
[docs] def check(self, point, new_point): """checks the neighbors of the point and the new_point against the new_point returns True if none are closer than r Parameters ---------- point : new_point : Returns ------- """ for i in range(self.dim): if not (0 < new_point[i] < self.size[i] or self.cellify(new_point) == -1): return False for item in self.neighbors(self.cellify(point)): if self.distance(self.samples[item], new_point) < self.r ** 2: return False for item in self.neighbors(self.cellify(new_point)): if self.distance(self.samples[item], new_point) < self.r ** 2: return False return True
[docs] def convert(self, point, rad, angs): """converts the random point to rectangular coordinates from radial coordinates centered on the active point Parameters ---------- point : rad : angs : Returns ------- """ new_point = [point[0] + rad * cos(angs[0]), point[1] + rad * sin(angs[0])] if len(angs) > 1: new_point.extend( point[i + 1] + rad * sin(angs[i]) for i in range(1, len(angs)) ) return new_point
[docs] def cellify(self, point): """returns the cell in which the point falls Parameters ---------- point : Returns ------- """ return tuple(point[i] // self.cell_size for i in range(self.dim))
[docs] def distance(self, tup1, tup2): """returns squared distance between two points Parameters ---------- tup1 : tup2 : Returns ------- """ return sum( min(abs(tup1[k] - tup2[k]), self.size[k] - abs(tup1[k] - tup2[k])) ** 2 for k in range(self.dim) )
[docs] def cell_distance(self, tup1, tup2): """returns true if the L1 distance is less than 2 for the two tuples Parameters ---------- tup1 : tup2 : Returns ------- """ return ( sum( min(abs(tup1[k] - tup2[k]), self.widths[k] - abs(tup1[k] - tup2[k]) - 1) for k in range(self.dim) ) <= 2 )
[docs] def neighbors(self, cell): """finds all occupied cells within a distance of the given point Parameters ---------- cell : Returns ------- """ return ( self.cells[tup] for tup in self.cells if self.cells[tup] != -1 and self.cell_distance(cell, tup) )
[docs] def update(self, point, index): """updates the grid with the new point Parameters ---------- point : index : Returns ------- """ self.cells[self.cellify(point)] = index
def __str__(self): return self.cells.__str__()
if __name__ == "__main__": bg = 255 - poisson_disk_background((640, 640), 12, 2)"poisson_dense.h5", bg)