Source code for stytra.stimulation.estimators

import numpy as np
import datetime

from stytra.collectors import QueueDataAccumulator
from stytra.utilities import reduce_to_pi
from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class Estimator: """ An estimator is an object that estimate quantities required for the control of the stimulus (animal position/speed etc.) from the output stream of the tracking pipelines (position in pixels, tail angles, etc.). """ def __init__(self, acc_tracking: QueueDataAccumulator, experiment): self.exp = experiment self.log = experiment.estimator_log self.acc_tracking = acc_tracking
[docs] def reset(self): self.log.reset()
[docs]class VigorMotionEstimator(Estimator): """ A very common way of estimating velocity of an embedded animal is vigor, computed as the standard deviation of the tail cumulative angle in a specified time window - generally 50 ms. """ def __init__(self, *args, vigor_window=0.050, base_gain=-12, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vigor_window = vigor_window self.last_dt = 1 / 500.0 self.base_gain = base_gain self._output_type = namedtuple("s", "vigor")
[docs] def get_velocity(self, lag=0): """ Parameters ---------- lag : (Default value = 0) Returns ------- """ vigor_n_samples = max(int(round(self.vigor_window / self.last_dt)), 2) n_samples_lag = max(int(round(lag / self.last_dt)), 0) if not self.acc_tracking.stored_data: return 0 past_tail_motion = self.acc_tracking.get_last_n( vigor_n_samples + n_samples_lag )[0:vigor_n_samples] end_t = past_tail_motion.t.iloc[-1] start_t = past_tail_motion.t.iloc[0] new_dt = (end_t - start_t) / vigor_n_samples if new_dt > 0: self.last_dt = new_dt vigor = np.nanstd(np.array(past_tail_motion.tail_sum)) if np.isnan(vigor): vigor = 0 if len(self.log.times) == 0 or self.log.times[-1] < end_t: self.log.update_list(end_t, self._output_type(vigor)) return vigor * self.base_gain
[docs]def rot_mat(theta): """The rotation matrix for an angle theta """ return np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
[docs]class PositionEstimator(Estimator): def __init__(self, *args, change_thresholds=None, velocity_window=10, **kwargs): """ Uses the projector-to-camera calibration to give fish position in scree coordinates. If change_thresholds are set, update only the fish position after there is a big enough change (which prevents small oscillations due to tracking) :param args: :param calibrator: :param change_thresholds: a 3-tuple of thresholds, in px and radians :param kwargs: """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.calibrator = self.exp.calibrator self.last_location = None self.past_values = None self.velocity_window = velocity_window self.change_thresholds = change_thresholds if change_thresholds is not None: self.change_thresholds = np.array(change_thresholds) self._output_type = namedtuple("f", ["x", "y", "theta"])
[docs] def get_camera_position(self): past_coords = { name: value for name, value in zip( self.acc_tracking.columns, self.acc_tracking.get_last_n(1)[0, :] ) } return past_coords["f0_x"], past_coords["f0_y"], past_coords["f0_theta"]
[docs] def get_velocity(self): vel = np.diff( self.acc_tracking.get_last_n(self.velocity_window)[["f0_x", "f0_y"]].values, 0, ) return np.sqrt(np.sum(vel ** 2))
[docs] def get_istantaneous_velocity(self): vel_xy = self.acc_tracking.get_last_n(self.velocity_window)[ ["f0_vx", "f0_vy"] ].values return np.sqrt(np.sum(vel_xy ** 2))
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.past_values = None
[docs] def get_position(self): if len(self.acc_tracking.stored_data) == 0 or not np.isfinite( self.acc_tracking.stored_data[-1].f0_x ): o = self._output_type(np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) return o past_coords = self.acc_tracking.stored_data[-1] t = self.acc_tracking.times[-1] if not self.calibrator.cam_to_proj is None: projmat = np.array(self.calibrator.cam_to_proj) if projmat.shape != (2, 3): projmat = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) x, y = projmat @ np.array([past_coords.f0_x, past_coords.f0_y, 1.0]) theta = np.arctan2( *( projmat[:, :2] @ np.array( [np.cos(past_coords.f0_theta), np.sin(past_coords.f0_theta)] )[::-1] ) ) else: x, y, theta = past_coords.f0_x, past_coords.f0_y, past_coords.f0_theta c_values = np.array((y, x, theta)) if self.change_thresholds is not None: if self.past_values is None: self.past_values = np.array(c_values) else: deltas = c_values - self.past_values deltas[2] = reduce_to_pi(deltas[2]) sel = np.abs(deltas) > self.change_thresholds self.past_values[sel] = c_values[sel] c_values = self.past_values logout = self._output_type(*c_values) self.log.update_list(t, logout) return c_values
estimator_dict = dict(position=PositionEstimator, vigor=VigorMotionEstimator)