Source code for stytra.experiments

import datetime
import os
import traceback
from queue import Empty
import numpy as np
import deepdish as dd
import logging
import tempfile
import git
import sys
import types
import imageio

from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QTimer, pyqtSignal, QByteArray
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMessageBox

from stytra.calibration import CrossCalibrator
from stytra.collectors import DataCollector
from stytra.stimulation import ProtocolRunner
from stytra.metadata import AnimalMetadata, GeneralMetadata
from stytra.stimulation.stimulus_display import StimulusDisplayWindow
from stytra.gui.container_windows import (

import pkg_resources

    import av
except ImportError:

from lightparam import Parametrized, Param

[docs]def imports(): for name, val in globals().items(): if isinstance(val, types.ModuleType) and hasattr(val, "__version__"): yield val.__name__ + ":" + str(val.__version__)
[docs]class Experiment(QObject): """General class that runs an experiment. Parameters ---------- app : QApplication() Application to run the Experiment QObject. protocol : object of :class:`Protocol <stytra.stimulation.Protocol>` list of protocols that can be run in this experiment session. directory : str (optional) Directory where metadata will be saved. If None, nothing will be saved (default: None). metadata_general: :class:`GeneralMetadata <stytra.metadata.GeneralMetadata>` object (optional) Class for saving general metadata about the experiment. I If not passed, a default GeneralMetadata object will be set. metadata_animal: :class:`AnimalMetadata <stytra.metadata.AnimalMetadata>` object (optional) Class for saving animal metadata about the experiment. If not passed, a default AnimalMetadata object will be set. calibrator : :class:`Calibrator <stytra.calibration.Calibrator>` object (optional) Calibrator object to calibrate the stimulus display. If not set, a CrossCalibrator will be used. asset_directory : str (optional) Path where asset files such as movies or images to be displayed can be found. display: dict (optional) Dictionary with specifications for the display. Possible key values are full_screen: bool (False) window_size: Tuple(Int, Int) framerate: target framerate, if 0, it is the highest possilbe gl_display : bool (False) rec_stim_framerate : int (optional) Set to record a movie of the displayed visual stimulus. It specifies every how many frames one will be saved (set to 1 to record) all displayed frames. The final movie will be saved in the directory in an .h5 file. trigger : :class:`Trigger <stytra.triggering.Trigger>` object (optional) Trigger class to control the beginning of the stimulation. offline : bool if stytra is used in offline analysis, stimulus is not displayed log_format : str one of "csv", "feather", "hdf5" (pytables-based) or "json" """ sig_data_saved = pyqtSignal() def __init__( self, app=None, protocol=None, dir_save=None, dir_assets="", instance_number=-1, database=None, metadata_general=None, metadata_animal=None, loop_protocol=False, log_format="csv", scope_triggering=None, offline=False, **kwargs ): """ """ self.arguments = locals() super().__init__() = app self.protocol = protocol self.trigger = scope_triggering self.offline = offline self.framerate_goals = dict(display=30) self.asset_dir = dir_assets if dir_save is None: dir_save = tempfile.gettempdir() self.base_dir = dir_save self.database = database self.use_db = True if database else False self.log_format = log_format self.loop_protocol = loop_protocol self.dc = DataCollector( folder_path=self.base_dir, instance_number=instance_number ) self.window_main = None self.scope_config = None self.abort = False self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.setLevel("INFO") # We will collect data only of a directory for saving is specified: # Conditional, in case metadata are generated and passed from the # configuration file: if metadata_general is None: self.metadata = GeneralMetadata(tree=self.dc) else: self.metadata = metadata_general(tree=self.dc) if metadata_animal is None: self.metadata_animal = AnimalMetadata(tree=self.dc) else: self.metadata_animal = metadata_animal(tree=self.dc) # This is done to save GUI configuration: self.gui_params = Parametrized( "gui", tree=self.dc, params=dict(geometry=Param(""), window_state=Param("")) ) self.protocol_runner = ProtocolRunner(experiment=self) # assign signals from protocol_runner to be used externally: self.sig_protocol_finished = self.protocol_runner.sig_protocol_finished self.sig_protocol_started = self.protocol_runner.sig_protocol_started self.protocol_runner.sig_protocol_finished.connect(self.end_protocol) self.i_run = 0 self.current_timestamp = self.gui_timer = QTimer() self.gui_timer.setSingleShot(False) self.t0 = self.animal_id = None self.session_id = None @property def folder_name(self): foldername = os.path.join( self.base_dir,, self.animal_id ) if not os.path.isdir(foldername): os.makedirs(foldername) return foldername
[docs] def filename_prefix(self): return self.session_id + "_"
[docs] def filename_base(self): # Save clean json file as timestamped Ymd_HMS_metadata.h5 files: return os.path.join(self.folder_name, self.filename_prefix())
[docs] def save_log(self, log, name, category="tracking"): logname = + name, self.log_format) self.dc.add_static_data(logname, category + "/" + name)
[docs] def initialize_plots(self): pass
[docs] def set_id(self): self.animal_id = ( self.current_timestamp.strftime("%y%m%d") + "_f" + str( ) self.session_id = self.current_timestamp.strftime("%H%M%S")
[docs] def reset(self): self.t0 = if self.protocol_runner.dynamic_log is not None: self.protocol_runner.dynamic_log.reset() self.protocol_runner.framerate_acc.reset()
[docs] def start_experiment(self): """Start the experiment creating GUI and initialising metadata. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.gui_timer.start(1000 // 60) self.dc.restore_from_saved() self.set_id() self.make_window() self.protocol_runner.update_protocol() if self.trigger is not None: self.trigger.start()
[docs] def restore_window_state(self): if self.gui_params.window_state: self.window_main.restoreState( QByteArray.fromHex(bytes(self.gui_params.window_state, "ascii")) ) self.window_main.restoreGeometry( QByteArray.fromHex(bytes(self.gui_params.geometry, "ascii")) )
[docs] def make_window(self): """Make experiment GUI, defined in children depending on experiments. """ self.window_main = ExperimentWindow(self) self.window_main.construct_ui()
[docs] def check_trigger(self): self.abort = False if self.trigger is not None and self.window_main.chk_scope.isChecked():"Waiting for trigger signal...") msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText("Waiting for trigger event...") msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Abort) msg.buttonClicked.connect(self.abort_start) while True and not self.abort: if ( self.trigger.start_event.is_set() and not self.protocol_runner.running ): msg.close() return else:
[docs] def read_scope_data(self): if self.trigger is not None: try: self.scope_config = self.trigger.queue_trigger_params.get(timeout=0.001) if self.dc is not None: self.dc.add_static_data( self.scope_config, "imaging/microscope_config" ) except Empty:"No trigger configuration received")
[docs] def start_protocol(self): """Start the protocol from the ProtocolRunner. Before that, send a a notification and if required communicate with the microscope to synchronize and read configuration. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.check_trigger() self.reset() self.protocol_runner.start() self.read_scope_data()
[docs] def abort_start(self):"Aborted") self.abort = True
[docs] def save_data(self): if self.base_dir is not None: if self.dc is not None: self.dc.add_static_data(self.protocol_runner.log, name="stimulus/log") self.dc.add_static_data(self.t0, name="general/t_protocol_start") self.dc.add_static_data( self.protocol_runner.t_end, name="general/t_protocol_end" ) self.dc.add_static_data(self.animal_id, name="general/fish_id") self.dc.add_static_data(self.session_id, name="general/session_id") if self.database is not None and self.use_db: db_id = self.database.insert_experiment_data( self.dc.get_clean_dict( eliminate_df=True, convert_datetime=False ) ) else: db_id = -1 self.dc.add_static_data(db_id, name="general/db_index") # Clean up arguments dict: try: kwargs = self.arguments.pop("kwargs") self.arguments.update(kwargs) except KeyError: pass # Get program name and version and save to the data_log: git_hash = None version = None try: repo = git.Repo(sys.argv[0], search_parent_directories=True) git_hash = repo.head.object.hexsha try: version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("stytra").version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:"Could not find stytra version") except git.InvalidGitRepositoryError:"Invalid git repository") self.dc.add_static_data( dict( git_hash=git_hash, name=sys.argv[0], arguments=self.arguments, version=version, dependencies=list(imports()), ), name="general/program_version", ) + "metadata.json") # save data_log "Saved log files under {}".format(self.filename_base()) ) if self.protocol_runner.dynamic_log is not None: self.save_log( self.protocol_runner.dynamic_log, "stimulus_log", "stimulus" ) self.sig_data_saved.emit()
[docs] def end_protocol(self, save=True): """Function called at Protocol end. Reset Protocol and save data_log. Parameters ---------- save : bool Specify whether to save experiment data (Default value = True). Returns ------- """ self.protocol_runner.stop() self.set_id() if save: self.save_data() self.i_run += 1 self.current_timestamp = self.reset() if self.loop_protocol and self.protocol_runner.completed: self.protocol_runner.reset() self.start_protocol() else: self.protocol_runner.reset()
[docs] def wrap_up(self, *args, **kwargs): """Clean up things before closing gui. Called by close button. Parameters ---------- *args : **kwargs : Returns ------- """ if self.protocol_runner is not None: self.protocol_runner.timer.stop() if ( self.protocol_runner.protocol is not None and self.protocol_runner.running ): self.end_protocol(save=False) if self.trigger is not None: self.trigger.kill_event.set() self.trigger.join() st = self.window_main.saveState() geom = self.window_main.saveGeometry() self.gui_params.window_state = bytes(st.toHex()).decode("ascii") self.gui_params.geometry = bytes(geom.toHex()).decode("ascii") self.dc.save_config_file()
[docs] def excepthook(self, exctype, value, tb): """ Parameters ---------- exctype : value : tb : Returns ------- """ traceback.print_tb(tb) print("{0}: {1}".format(exctype, value)) self.trigger.kill_event.set() self.trigger.join()
[docs]class VisualExperiment(Experiment): """General class that runs an experiment. Parameters ---------- calibrator : :class:`Calibrator <stytra.calibration.Calibrator>` object (optional) Calibrator object to calibrate the stimulus display. If not set, a CrossCalibrator will be used. display_config: dict (optional) Dictionary with specifications for the display. Possible key values are "full_screen" and "window_size". gl_display : bool (False) rec_stim_framerate : int (optional) Set to record a movie of the displayed visual stimulus. It specifies every how many frames one will be saved (set to 1 to record) all displayed frames. The final movie will be saved in the directory in an .h5 file. offline : bool if stytra is used in offline analysis, stimulus is not displayed """ sig_data_saved = pyqtSignal() def __init__( self, *args, calibrator=None, stim_plot=False, stim_movie_format="h5", record_stim_framerate=None, display=None, **kwargs ): """ """ if calibrator is None: self.calibrator = CrossCalibrator() else: self.calibrator = calibrator self.stim_movie_format = stim_movie_format self.stim_plot = stim_plot super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.dc.add(self.calibrator) if display is None: self.display_config = dict(full_screen=False, gl=True) else: self.display_config = display target_fps = self.display_config.get("framerate", 0) if target_fps > 0: self.protocol_runner.target_dt = 1000 // target_fps if not self.offline: self.window_display = StimulusDisplayWindow( self.protocol_runner, self.calibrator, gl=self.display_config.get("gl", True), record_stim_framerate=record_stim_framerate, ) self.display_framerate_acc = None self.protocol_runner.framerate_acc.goal_framerate = self.display_config.get( "min_framerate", None )
[docs] def start_experiment(self): """Start the experiment creating GUI and initialising metadata. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ super().start_experiment() if self.display_config.get("window_size", None) is not None: self.window_display.size = self.display_config["window_size"] self.window_display.set_dims() self.show_stimulus_screen(self.display_config.get("full_screen", False))
[docs] def restore_window_state(self): if self.gui_params.window_state: self.window_main.restoreState( QByteArray.fromHex(bytes(self.gui_params.window_state, "ascii")) ) self.window_main.restoreGeometry( QByteArray.fromHex(bytes(self.gui_params.geometry, "ascii")) )
[docs] def make_window(self): """Make experiment GUI, defined in children depending on experiments. """ if self.stim_plot: self.window_main = DynamicStimExperimentWindow(self) self.window_main.stream_plot.add_stream(self.protocol_runner.dynamic_log) self.gui_timer.start(1000 // 60) else: self.window_main = VisualExperimentWindow(self) self.window_main.construct_ui()
[docs] def start_protocol(self): """Start the protocol from the ProtocolRunner. Before that, send a a notification and if required communicate with the microscope to synchronize and read configuration. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.window_display.widget_display.reset() super().start_protocol()
[docs] def save_data(self): if self.base_dir is not None: if self.dc is not None: # save the stimulus movie if it is generated movie, movie_times = self.window_display.widget_display.get_movie() if movie is not None: if self.stim_movie_format == "h5": movie_dict = dict( movie=np.stack(movie, 0), movie_times=movie_times ) self.filename_base() + "stim_movie.h5", movie_dict, compression="blosc", ) elif self.stim_movie_format == "mp4": imageio.mimwrite( self.filename_base() + "stim_movie.mp4", movie, fps=30, quality=None, ffmpeg_params=[ "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-profile:v", "baseline", "-level", "3", ], ) else: raise Exception( "Tried to write the stimulus video into an unsupported format" ) super().save_data()
[docs] def show_stimulus_screen(self, full_screen=False): """Open window to display the visual stimulus and make it full-screen if necessary. Parameters ---------- full_screen : (Default value = True) Returns ------- """ if self.offline: return None if full_screen: try: self.window_display.windowHandle().setScreen([1]) self.window_display.showFullScreen() except IndexError: print("Second screen not available")