Source code for stytra.examples.windmill_exp

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from stytra import Stytra
from stytra.stimulation import Protocol
from stytra.stimulation.stimuli import MovingWindmillStimulus
from lightparam import Param

[docs]class WindmillProtocol(Protocol): name = "windmill_protocol" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.inter_stim_pause = Param(2.0) self.theta_amp = Param(np.pi / 2) self.windmill_freq = Param(0.2) self.stim_duration = Param(5.0) self.wave_shape = Param(value="square", limits=["square", "sinusoidal"]) self.n_arms = Param(10)
[docs] def get_stim_sequence(self): stimuli = [] p = self.inter_stim_pause / 2 d = self.stim_duration # Windmill STEPS = 0.005 t = np.arange(0, d, STEPS) theta = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * self.windmill_freq) * self.theta_amp t = [t[0]] + list(t + p) + [(t + 2 * p)[-1]] theta = [theta[0]] + list(theta) + [theta[-1]] df = pd.DataFrame(dict(t=t, theta=theta)) stimuli.append( MovingWindmillStimulus( df_param=df, n_arms=self.n_arms, wave_shape=self.wave_shape ) ) return stimuli
if __name__ == "__main__": # We make a new instance of Stytra with this protocol as the only option: s = Stytra(protocol=WindmillProtocol())