Source code for stytra.examples.looming_exp

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from stytra import Stytra
from stytra.stimulation import Protocol
from stytra.stimulation.stimuli import InterpolatedStimulus, CircleStimulus
from lightparam import Param

# A looming stimulus is an expanding circle. Stimuli which contain
# some kind of parameter change inherit from InterpolatedStimulus
# which allows for specifying the values of parameters of the
# stimulus at certain time points, with the intermediate
# values interpolated

# Use the 3-argument version of the Python type function to
# make a temporary class combining two classes

[docs]class LoomingStimulus(InterpolatedStimulus, CircleStimulus): name = "looming_stimulus"
# Let's define a simple protocol consisting of looms at random locations, # of random durations and maximal sizes # First, we inherit from the Protocol class
[docs]class LoomingProtocol(Protocol): # We specify the name for the dropdown in the GUI name = "looming_protocol" def __init__(self): super().__init__() # It is convenient for a protocol to be parametrized, so # we name the parameters we might want to change, # along with specifying the the default values. # This automatically creates a GUI to change them # (more elaborate ways of adding parameters are supported, # see the documentation of lightparam) # if you are not interested in parametrizing your # protocol the the whole __init__ definition # can be skipped self.n_looms = Param(10, limits=(0, 1000)) self.max_loom_size = Param(60, limits=(0, 100)) self.max_loom_duration = Param(5, limits=(0, 100)) self.x_pos_pix = Param(10, limits=(0, 2000)) self.y_pos_pix = Param(10, limits=(0, 2000)) # This is the only function we need to define for a custom protocol
[docs] def get_stim_sequence(self): stimuli = [] for i in range(self.n_looms): # The radius is only specified at the beginning and at the # end of expansion. More elaborate functional relationships # than linear can be implemented by specifying a more # detailed interpolation table radius_df = pd.DataFrame( dict( t=[0, np.random.rand() * self.max_loom_duration], radius=[0, np.random.rand() * self.max_loom_size], ) ) # We construct looming stimuli with the radius change specification # and a random point of origin within the projection area # (specified in fractions from 0 to 1 for each dimension) stimuli.append( LoomingStimulus( df_param=radius_df, origin=(self.x_pos_pix, self.y_pos_pix) ) ) return stimuli
if __name__ == "__main__": # We make a new instance of Stytra with this protocol as the only option: s = Stytra(protocol=LoomingProtocol())