Source code for stytra.examples.display_camera_exp

from stytra import Stytra
from stytra.stimulation.stimuli import Pause
from pathlib import Path
from stytra.stimulation import Protocol

[docs]class Nostim(Protocol): name = "empty_protocol" # In the stytra_config class attribute we specify a dictionary of # parameters that control camera, tracking, monitor, etc. # In this particular case, we add a stream of frames from one example # movie saved in stytra assets. stytra_config = dict(camera=dict(type="spinnaker")) # For a streaming from real cameras connected to the computer, specify camera type, e.g.: # stytra_config = dict(camera=dict(type="ximea"))
[docs] def get_stim_sequence(self): return [Pause(duration=10)] # protocol does not do anything
if __name__ == "__main__": s = Stytra(protocol=Nostim())