Source code for stytra.calibration

import math

import cv2
import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPen, QColor, QBrush

from lightparam.param_qt import ParametrizedQt, Param

[docs]class CalibrationException(Exception): """ """ pass
[docs]class Calibrator(ParametrizedQt): """ """ def __init__(self, mm_px=0.2): super().__init__(name="stimulus/calibration_params") self.enabled = False self.mm_px = Param(mm_px) self.length_mm = Param(30.0, limits=(1, 800)) self.length_px = Param(None) self.cam_to_proj = Param(None) self.proj_to_cam = Param(None) self.length_to_measure = "do not use the base class as a calibrator" self.sig_param_changed.connect(self.set_physical_scale)
[docs] def toggle(self): """ """ self.enabled = ~self.enabled
[docs] def set_physical_scale(self, change): """Calculate mm/px from calibrator length""" if change.get("length_mm", None) is not None: if self.length_px is not None: self.block_signal = True self.mm_px = self.length_mm / self.length_px self.block_signal = False if change.get("length_px", None) is not None: if self.length_px is not None: self.block_signal = True self.length_mm = self.length_px * self.mm_px self.block_signal = False
[docs] def set_pixel_scale(self, w, h): """"Set pixel size, need to be called by the projector widget on resizes""" self.block_signal = True self.length_px = w self.length_mm = self.length_px * self.mm_px self.block_signal = False
[docs] def paint_calibration_pattern(self, p, h, w): """ Parameters ---------- p : h : w : Returns ------- """ pass
[docs]class CrossCalibrator(Calibrator): """ """ def __init__( self, *args, fixed_length=60, calibration_length="outside", transparent=True, **kwargs ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.length_px = self.length_mm / self.mm_px self.length_is_fixed = False self.transparent = transparent if calibration_length == "outside": self.outside = True self.length_to_measure = "height of the rectangle (mm)" else: self.outside = False self.length_to_measure = ( "a line of the cross" ) # TODO: world this better, unclear if fixed_length is not None: self.length_px = fixed_length self.length_is_fixed = True
[docs] def paint_calibration_pattern(self, p, h, w): """ Parameters ---------- p : h : w : Returns ------- """ p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0))) if self.transparent: p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0))) else: p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0, 255))) p.drawRect(QRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2)) l2 = self.length_px / 2 p.drawLine(w // 2 - l2, h // 2, w // 2 + l2, h // 2) p.drawLine(w // 2, h // 2 + l2, w // 2, h // 2 - l2) p.drawLine(w // 2, h // 2 + l2, w // 2 + l2, h // 2 + l2)
[docs] def set_pixel_scale(self, w, h): """"Set pixel size, need to be called by the projector widget on resizes""" if not self.length_is_fixed: if self.outside: self.length_px = h else: self.length_px = max(h / 2, w / 2)
[docs]class CircleCalibrator(Calibrator): """" Class for a calibration pattern which displays 3 dots in a 30 60 90 triangle""" def __init__(self, *args, dh=80, r=1, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.triangle_height = Param(dh, (2, 400)) self.r = r self.length_px = dh * 2 self.points = None self.points_cam = None self.length_to_measure = "longest side of the triangle"
[docs] def set_pixel_scale(self, w, h): """"Set pixel size, need to be called by the projector widget on resizes""" self.length_px = self.triangle_height * 2
[docs] def paint_calibration_pattern(self, p, h, w, draw=True): """ Parameters ---------- p : h : w : draw : (Default value = True) Returns ------- """ assert isinstance(p, QPainter) d2h = self.triangle_height // 2 d2w = int(self.triangle_height * math.sqrt(3) // 2) ch = h // 2 cw = w // 2 # the three points sorted in ascending angle order (30, 60, 90) centres = [(cw - d2h, ch + d2w), (cw + d2h, ch + d2w), (cw - d2h, ch - d2w)] centres = np.array(centres) self.points = centres[np.argsort(CircleCalibrator._find_angles(centres)), :] if draw: p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 0, 0))) p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(255, 0, 0))) for centre in centres: p.drawEllipse(QPoint(*centre), self.r, self.r)
@staticmethod def _find_angles(kps): """ Parameters ---------- kps : Returns ------- """ angles = np.empty(3) for i, pt in enumerate(kps): pt_prev = kps[(i - 1) % 3] pt_next = kps[(i + 1) % 3] # angles are calculated from the dot product angles[i] = np.abs( np.arccos( np.sum((pt_prev - pt) * (pt_next - pt)) / np.product( [np.sqrt(np.sum((pt2 - pt) ** 2)) for pt2 in [pt_prev, pt_next]] ) ) ) return angles @staticmethod def _find_triangle(image, blob_params=None): """Finds the three dots for calibration in the image (of a 30 60 90 degree triangle) Parameters ---------- image : return: the three triangle points blob_params : (Default value = None) Returns ------- type the three triangle points """ if blob_params is None: blobdet = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create() else: blobdet = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(blob_params) # TODO check if blob detection is robust scaled_im = 255 - (image.astype(np.float32) * 255 / np.max(image)).astype( np.uint8 ) keypoints = blobdet.detect(scaled_im) if len(keypoints) != 3: raise CalibrationException("3 points for calibration not found") kps = np.array([ for k in keypoints]) # Find the angles between the points # and return the points sorted by the angles return kps[np.argsort(CircleCalibrator._find_angles(kps)), :]
[docs] @staticmethod def arr_to_tuple(arr): """ Parameters ---------- arr : Returns ------- """ return tuple(tuple(r for r in row) for row in arr)
[docs] def find_transform_matrix(self, image): """ Parameters ---------- image : Returns ------- """ self.points_cam = self._find_triangle(image) points_proj = self.points x_proj = np.vstack([points_proj.T, np.ones(3)]) x_cam = np.vstack([self.points_cam.T, np.ones(3)]) self.proj_to_cam = self.arr_to_tuple(self.points_cam.T @ np.linalg.inv(x_proj)) self.cam_to_proj = self.arr_to_tuple(points_proj.T @ np.linalg.inv(x_cam))